8 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm126
Cassatella-Contra G.A., Manas M., Tempesta P., “Singularity Confinement For Matrix Discrete Painlevé Equations”, Nonlinearity, 27:9 (2014), 2321–2335
П. Г. Гриневич, С. П. Новиков, “Дискретные $SL_n$-связности и самосопряженные разностные операторы на двумерных многообразиях”, УМН, 68:5(413) (2013), 81–110
; P. G. Grinevich, S. P. Novikov, “Discrete $SL_n$-connections and self-adjoint difference operators on two-dimensional manifolds”, Russian Math. Surveys, 68:5 (2013), 861–887
Tempesta P., “Integrable Maps From Galois Differential Algebras, Borel Transforms and Number Sequences”, J. Differ. Equ., 255:10 (2013), 2981–2995
Tempesta P., “Discretization of nonlinear evolution equations over associative function algebras”, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications, 72:7–8 (2010), 3237–3246
Bobenko, AI, “Integrable systems on quad-graphs”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2002, no. 11, 573
Bobenko, AI, “Hexagonal circle patterns and integrable systems: Patterns with the multi-ratio property and lax equations on the regular triangular lattice”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2002, no. 3, 111
“Сергей Петрович Новиков (к шестидесятилетию со дня рождения)”, УМН, 54:1(325) (1999), 5–10
; “Sergei Petrovich Novikov (on his 60th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 54:1 (1999), 1–7
Л. О. Чехов, “Спектральная задача на графах и $L$-функции”, УМН, 54:6(330) (1999), 109–148
; L. O. Chekhov, “A spectral problem on graphs and $L$-functions”, Russian Math. Surveys, 54:6 (1999), 1197–1232