80 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm1121
A. Levin, M. Olshanetsky, A. Zotov, “Classical integrable systems and soliton equations related to eleven-vertex R-matrix”, Nuclear Physics B, 2014
A Levin, M Olshanetsky, A Smirnov, A Zotov, “Characteristic classes of ${\rm SL}(N, {\mathbb {C}})$-bundles and quantum dynamical elliptic R-matrices”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor, 46:3 (2013), 035201
А. В. Забродин, “Управляющий $T$-оператор для вершинных моделей с тригонометрическими
$R$-матрицами как классическая $\tau$-функция”, ТМФ, 174:1 (2013), 59–76
; A. V. Zabrodin, “The master $T$-operator for vertex models with trigonometric $R$-matrices as a classical $\tau$-function”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 174:1 (2013), 52–67
Eric Rains, Simon Ruijsenaars, “Difference Operators of Sklyanin and van Diejen Type”, Commun. Math. Phys, 2013
Alexandrov A., Kazakov V., Leurent S., Tsuboi Z., Zabrodin A., “Classical Tau-Function for Quantum Spin Chains”, J. High Energy Phys., 2013, no. 9, 064
Zabrodin A., “Intertwining operators for Sklyanin algebra and elliptic hypergeometric series”, J Geom Phys, 61:9 (2011), 1733–1754
Igor Krichever, “Characterizing Jacobians via trisecants of the Kummer variety”, Ann of Math, 172:1 (2010), 485
Krichever I., “Characterizing Jacobians via Trisecants of the Kummer Variety”, Ann. Math., 172:1 (2010), 485–516
Ф. Л. Соловьёв, “О гамильтоновой форме уравнений эллиптической спиновой модели Рейсенарса–Шнайдера”, УМН, 64:6(390) (2009), 179–180
; F. L. Soloviev, “On the Hamiltonian form of equations of the elliptic spin Ruijsenaars–Schneider model”, Russian Math. Surveys, 64:6 (2009), 1142–1144
И. М. Кричевер, “Абелевы решения солитонных уравнений и проблемы типа Римана–Шоттки”, УМН, 63:6(384) (2008), 19–30
; I. M. Krichever, “Abelian solutions of the soliton equations and Riemann–Schottky problems”, Russian Math. Surveys, 63:6 (2008), 1011–1022