71 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm1010
Hongzhong Zhang, Olympia Hadjiliadis, 2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2012, 4757
Moustakides G.V., Polunchenko A.S., Tartakovsky A.G., “A Numerical Approach To Performance Analysis of Quickest Change-Point Detection Procedures”, Stat Sin, 21:2 (2011), 571–596
Dayanik S., “Wiener Disorder Problem with Observations at Fixed Discrete Time Epochs”, Mathematics of Operations Research, 35:4 (2010), 756–785
Robert Liptser, Alexander Tartakovsky, “From Disorder Detection to Optimal Stopping and Mathematical Finance”, Lsqa, 29:2 (2010), 112
Savas Dayanik, “Compound Poisson Disorder Problems with Nonlinear Detection Delay Penalty Cost Functions”, Sequential Analysis, 29:2 (2010), 193
Olympia Hadjiliadis, Hongzhong Zhang, H. Vincent Poor, “One Shot Schemes for Decentralized Quickest Change Detection”, IEEE Trans Inform Theory, 55:7 (2009), 3346
Pollak, M, “OPTIMALITY PROPERTIES OF THE SHIRYAEV-ROBERTS PROCEDURE”, Statistica Sinica, 19:4 (2009), 1729
O. Hadjiliadis, G. Hernandez del-Valle, I. Stamos, “A Comparison of 2-CUSUM Stopping Rules for Quickest Detection of Two-Sided Alternatives in a Brownian Motion Model”, Sequential Analysis, 28:1 (2009), 92
А. Г. Тартаковский, “Асимптотическая оптимальность в байесовских задачах наискорейшего обнаружения при ограничении на глобальную вероятность ложной тревоги”, Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 53:3 (2008), 472–499
; A. G. Tartakovskii, “Asymptotic Optimality in Bayesian Changepoint Detection Problems under Global False Alarm Probability Constraint”, Theory Probab. Appl., 53:3 (2009), 443–466
O. Hadjiliadis, V. H. Poor, “On the Best 2-CUSUM Stopping Rule for Quickest Detection of Two-Sided Alternatives in a Brownian Motion Model”, Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 53:3 (2008), 610–622
; Theory Probab. Appl., 53:3 (2009), 537–547