17 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rcd371
Evgeny V. Vetchanin, Ivan S. Mamaev, “Numerical Analysis of a Drop-Shaped Aquatic Robot”, Mathematics, 12:2 (2024), 312
E. V. Vetchanin, A. R. Valieva, “Analysis of the Force and Torque Arising During the Oscillatory Motion of a Joukowsky Foil in a Fluid”, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 20:1 (2024), 79–93
V. D. Anisimov, A. G. Egorov, A. N. Nuriev, O. N. Zaitseva, “Propulsive Motion of Cylindrical Vibration-Driven Robot in a Viscous Fluid”, jour, 166:3 (2024), 277
Е. В. Ветчанин, И. С. Мамаев, “Периодическое возмущение движения неуравновешенного кругового профиля в присутствии точечных вихрей в идеальной жидкости”, Вестн. Удмуртск. ун-та. Матем. Мех. Компьют. науки, 32:4 (2022), 630–643
Yury L. Karavaev, Anton V. Klekovkin, Ivan S. Mamaev, Valentin A. Tenenev, Evgeny V. Vetchanin, “A Simple Physical Model for Control of a Propellerless Aquatic Robot”, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 14:1 (2022)
Sergey M. Ramodanov, Sergey V. Sokolov, “Dynamics of a Circular Cylinder and Two Point Vortices
in a Perfect Fluid”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 26:6 (2021), 675–691
I. S. Mamaev, I. A. Bizyaev, “Dynamics of an unbalanced circular foil and point vortices in an ideal fluid”, Phys. Fluids, 33:8 (2021), 087119
L. I. Mogilevich, S. V. Ivanov, Yu. A. Blinkov, “Modeling of Nonlinear Waves in Two Coaxial Physically Nonlinear Shells with a Viscous Incompressible Fluid Between Them, Taking into Account the Inertia of its Motion”, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 16:2 (2020), 275–290
E. M. Artemova, E. V. Vetchanin, “Control of the motion of a circular cylinder in an ideal fluid using a source”, Вестн. Удмуртск. ун-та. Матем. Мех. Компьют. науки, 30:4 (2020), 604–617
E. V. Vetchanin, I. S. Mamaev, “Asymptotic behavior in the dynamics of a smooth body in an ideal fluid”, Acta Mech., 231:11 (2020), 4529–4535