32 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ppi1267
Shirokov M.E., “on Completion of the Cone of Completely Positive Linear Maps With Respect to the Energy-Constrained Diamond Norm”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 40:10, SI (2019), 1549–1568
Shirokov M.E., Holevo A.S., “Energy-Constrained Diamond Norms and Quantum Dynamical Semigroups”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 40:10, SI (2019), 1569–1586
М. Е. Широков, “О норме полной ограниченности с энергетическим ограничением и ее использовании в квантовой теории информации”, Пробл. передачи информ., 54:1 (2018), 24–38
; M. E. Shirokov, “On the energy-constrained diamond norm and its application in quantum information theory”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 54:1 (2018), 20–33
Wilde M.M. Qi H., “Energy-Constrained Private and Quantum Capacities of Quantum Channels”, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 64:12 (2018), 7802–7827
Lami L., Sabapathy K.K., Winter A., “All Phase-Space Linear Bosonic Channels Are Approximately Gaussian Dilatable”, New J. Phys., 20 (2018), 113012
Wilde M.M., “Entanglement Cost and Quantum Channel Simulation”, Phys. Rev. A, 98:4 (2018), 042338
Sharma K. Wilde M.M. Adhikari S. Takeoka M., “Bounding the Energy-Constrained Quantum and Private Capacities of Phase-Insensitive Bosonic Gaussian Channels”, New J. Phys., 20 (2018), 063025
Wilde M.M., “Strong and Uniform Convergence in the Teleportation Simulation of Bosonic Gaussian Channels”, Phys. Rev. A, 97:6 (2018), 062305
М. Е. Широков, А. С. Холево, “О полунепрерывности снизу $\Delta_\chi$-величины и ее следствиях в квантовой теории информации”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 81:5 (2017), 165–182
; M. E. Shirokov, A. S. Holevo, “On lower semicontinuity of the entropic disturbance and its applications in quantum information theory”, Izv. Math., 81:5 (2017), 1044–1060
Muller-Hermes A. Reeb D., “Monotonicity of the Quantum Relative Entropy Under Positive Maps”, Ann. Henri Poincare, 18:5 (2017), 1777–1788