115 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ppi1
Jing Wu, Anthony J. Brady, Quntao Zhuang, “Optimal encoding of oscillators into more oscillators”, Quantum, 7 (2023), 1082
Xin Wang, Mark M. Wilde, “Exact entanglement cost of quantum states and channels under positive-partial-transpose-preserving operations”, Phys. Rev. A, 107:1 (2023)
Alex Kwiatkowski, Ezad Shojaee, Sristy Agrawal, Akira Kyle, Curtis L. Rau, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill, “Constraints on Gaussian error channels and measurements for quantum communication”, Phys. Rev. A, 107:4 (2023)
Alessio Lapponi, Dimitris Moustos, David Edward Bruschi, Stefano Mancini, “Relativistic quantum communication between harmonic oscillator detectors”, Phys. Rev. D, 107:12 (2023)
Huihui Li, Nan Li, Shunlong Luo, “Probing correlations in two-mode bosonic fields via Gaussian noise channels”, Phys. Rev. A, 107:6 (2023)
Haowei Shi, Quntao Zhuang, “Ultimate precision limit of noise sensing and dark matter search”, npj Quantum Inf, 9:1 (2023)
Takaya Matsuura, Springer Theses, Digital Quantum Information Processing with Continuous-Variable Systems, 2023, 15
Teretenkov A.E., “Symplectic Analogs of Polar Decomposition and Their Applications to Bosonic Gaussian Channels”, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 70:9 (2022), 1673–1681
Юэ Чжан, Шунь Лун Ло, “Переход от функции Вигнера к $s$-упорядоченному распределению в фазовом пространстве посредством канала с гауссовским шумом”, ТМФ, 210:3 (2022), 485–504 ; Yue Zhang, Shunlong Luo, “From the Wigner function to the $s$-ordered phase-space distribution via a Gaussian noise channel”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 210:3 (2022), 425–441
Jayanth Ramakrishnan, J. Solomon Ivan, “Ameliorated phase sensitivity through intensity measurements in a Mach–Zehnder interferometer”, Quantum Inf Process, 21:1 (2022)