4 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/pimb1
Maxim Korolev, Antanas Laurinčikas, “Gram points in the theory of zeta-functions of certain cusp forms”, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 504:1 (2021), 125396–18
Maxim Korolev, Antanas Laurinčikas, “A new application of the Gram points. II”, Aequationes Math., 94 (2020), 1171–1187
Maxim Korolev, Antanas Laurinčikas, “A new application of the Gram points”, Aequationes Math., 93:5 (2019), 859–873
М. А. Королев, “О формулах Сельберга, связанных с законом Грама”, Матем. сб., 203:12 (2012), 129–136
; M. A. Korolev, “On Selberg formulae related to Gram's law”, Sb. Math., 203:12 (2012), 1808–1816