7 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/phra40
Benedetto Militello, Anna Napoli, “Adiabatically Manipulated Systems Interacting with Spin Baths beyond the Rotating Wave Approximation”, Physics, 6:2 (2024), 483
Yi Zuo, Qinghong Yang, Bang-Gui Liu, Dong E. Liu, “Work statistics for the adiabatic assumption in nonequilibrium many-body theory”, Phys. Rev. E, 110:2 (2024)
N. Il'in, A. Aristova, O. Lychkovskiy, “Quantum speed limits for an open system in contact with a thermal bath”, Phys. Rev. A, 110 (2024), 022203
Elena I. Kuznetsova, M. A. Yurischev, Saeed Haddadi, “Quantum Otto heat engines on XYZ spin working medium with DM and KSEA interactions: operating modes and efficiency at maximal work output”, Quantum Inf Process, 22:5 (2023)
Benedetto Militello, Anna Napoli, “Adiabatic Manipulation of a System Interacting with a Spin Bath”, Symmetry, 15:11 (2023), 2028
Н. Б. Ильин, “Квантовая адиабатическая теорема с регуляризацией энергетической щели”, ТМФ, 211:1 (2022), 121–135 ; N. B. Ilyin, “Quantum adiabatic theorem with energy gap regularization”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 211:1 (2022), 545–557
Pavel V Avramov, Artem V Kuklin, “Topological and quantum stability of low-dimensional crystalline lattices with multiple nonequivalent sublattices*”, New J. Phys., 24:10 (2022), 103015