4 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/phot2
  1. A. N. Pechen, V. N. Petruhanov, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov, “Control landscapes for high-fidelity generation of C-NOT and C-PHASE gates with coherent and environmental driving”, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 139 (2024), 411  mathnet  crossref  isi
  2. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Generation of C-NOT, SWAP, and C-Z Gates for two qubits using coherent and incoherent controls and stochastic optimization”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 45:2 (2024), 728–740  mathnet  crossref  isi
  3. A. N. Pechen, “Quantum Control by the Environment: Turing Uncomputability, Optimization over Stiefel Manifolds, Reachable Sets, and Incoherent GRAPE”, Микроэлектроника, 52 (2023), 419–423  mathnet  crossref [A. N. Pechen, “Quantum Control by the Environment: Turing Uncomputability, Optimization over Stiefel Manifolds, Reachable Sets, and Incoherent GRAPE”, Russian Microelectronics, 52 (2023), 419–423  mathnet]
  4. V. Petruhanov, A. Pechen, “Incoherent GRAPE for Optimization of Quantum Systems with Environmentally Assisted Control”, Russ Microelectron, 52:S1 (2023), S424  crossref