74 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/padic5
  1. J G Polli, E P Raposo, G M Viswanathan, M G E da Luz, “Stochastic-like characteristics of arithmetic dynamical systems: the Collatz hailstone sequences”, J. Phys. Complex., 5:1 (2024), 015011  crossref
  2. Philip Easo, Tom Hutchcroft, Jana Kurrek, “Double-exponential susceptibility growth in Dyson's hierarchical model with |x − y|−2 interaction”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 65:2 (2024)  crossref
  3. Roman Urban, “The Vladimirov operator with variable coefficients on finite adeles and the Feynman formulas for the Schrödinger equation”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 65:4 (2024)  crossref
  4. Ekaterina Yurova Axelsson, Andrei Khrennikov, “Generation of genetic codes with 2-adic codon algebra and adaptive dynamics”, BioSystems, 240 (2024), 105230  crossref
  5. Paolo Aniello, Sonia L'Innocente, Stefano Mancini, Vincenzo Parisi, Ilaria Svampa, Andreas Winter, “Invariant measures on p-adic Lie groups: the p-adic quaternion algebra and the Haar integral on the p-adic rotation groups”, Lett Math Phys, 114:3 (2024)  crossref
  6. Maxwell C. Siegel, “The Collatz Conjecture & Non-Archimedean Spectral Theory - Part I - Arithmetic Dynamical Systems and Non-Archimedean Value Distribution Theory”, P-Adic Num Ultrametr Anal Appl, 16:2 (2024), 143  crossref
  7. E. A. Kurianovich, A. I. Mikhailov, I. V. Volovich, “On the theory of relativistic Brownian motion”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 16:2 (2024), 113–127  mathnet  crossref  isi
  8. M. M. Rahmatullaev, Z. T. Abdukaxorova, “$\boldsymbol{H}_{\boldsymbol{A}}$-Weakly Periodic $\boldsymbol{p}$-Adic Generalized Gibbs Measures for Ising Model on a Cayley Tree”, Lobachevskii J Math, 45:1 (2024), 504  crossref
  9. B. Dragovich, A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “On the Occasion of the Centenary of the Birth of V. S. Vladimirov (1923–2012)”, P-Adic Num Ultrametr Anal Appl, 15:3 (2023), 243  crossref
  10. Paolo Aniello, “States, observables and symmetries in p-adic quantum mechanics”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2667:1 (2023), 012055  crossref