24 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/nd485
R. G. Mukharlyamov, “Control of the Dynamics of a System with Differential Constraints”, J. Comput. Syst. Sci. Int., 58:4 (2019), 515
Sergej Celikovsky, Milan Anderle, 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), 2019, 1289
I. A. Bizyaev, A. V. Borisov, V. V. Kozlov, I. S. Mamaev, “Fermi-like acceleration and power-law energy growth in nonholonomic systems”, Nonlinearity, 32:9 (2019), 3209–3233
Sergej Čelikovský, Milan Anderle, “Stable walking gaits for a three-link planar biped robot with two actuators based on the collocated virtual holonomic constraints and the cyclic unactuated variable”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51:22 (2018), 378
R G Mukharlyamov, “Modelling of dynamics of mechanical systems with regard for constraint stabilization”, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 468 (2018), 012041
Sergej Čelikovský, Milan Anderle, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 465, AETA 2017 - Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences: Theory and Application, 2018, 554
А. В. Борисов, И. С. Мамаев, И. А. Бизяев, “Динамические системы с неинтегрируемыми связями: вакономная механика, субриманова геометрия и неголономная механика”, УМН, 72:5(437) (2017), 3–62
; A. V. Borisov, I. S. Mamaev, I. A. Bizyaev, “Dynamical systems with non-integrable constraints, vakonomic mechanics, sub-Riemannian geometry, and non-holonomic mechanics”, Russian Math. Surveys, 72:5 (2017), 783–840
Haokun Kang, Caishan Liu, Yan-Bin Jia, “Inverse dynamics and energy optimal trajectories for a wheeled mobile robot”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 134 (2017), 576
Sergej Celikovsky, Milan Anderle, 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 2017, 192
В. П. Павлов, В. М. Сергеев, “Гидродинамика и термодинамика как единая полевая теория”, Современные проблемы математики, механики и математической физики. II, Сборник статей, Труды МИАН, 294, МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», М., 2016, 237–247
; V. P. Pavlov, V. M. Sergeev, “Fluid dynamics and thermodynamics as a unified field theory”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 294 (2016), 222–232