11 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mzm9686
Michael Frazier, “Decomposition and Traces of Weighted Mixed-Norm Besov Spaces”, La Matematica, 2024
Martina Bukač, Boris Muha, Abner J. Salgado, “Analysis of a diffuse interface method for the Stokes-Darcy coupled problem”, ESAIM: M2AN, 57:5 (2023), 2623
Sylvester Eriksson-Bique, Pekka Koskela, Khanh Nguyen, “On limits at infinity of weighted Sobolev functions”, Journal of Functional Analysis, 283:10 (2022), 109672
Allendes A., Otarola E., Salgado A.J., “A Posteriori Error Estimates For the Stationary Navier-Stokes Equations With Dirac Measures”, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 42:3 (2020), A1860–A1884
Д. В. Прохоров, “Об одном множестве, всюду плотном в пространстве Лебега на вещественной прямой”, Матем. заметки, 100:4 (2016), 633–635
; D. V. Prokhorov, “On a Set Everywhere Dense in a Lebesgue Space on the Real Line”, Math. Notes, 100:4 (2016), 639–641
Dhara R.N., Kalamajska A., “On one extension theorem dealing with weighted Orlicz-Slobodetskii space. Analysis on Lipschitz subgraph and Lipschitz domain”, Math. Inequal. Appl., 19:2 (2016), 451–488
Raj Narayan Dhara, Agnieszka Kałamajska, “On proper formulation of boundary condition for degenerated PDEs when trace embedding theorems are missing and application to nonhomogeneous BVPs”, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 61:11 (2016), 1541
В. Д. Степанов, “Об оптимальных пространствах Банаха, содержащих весовой конус монотонных или квазивогнутых функций”, Матем. заметки, 98:6 (2015), 907–922
; V. D. Stepanov, “On Optimal Banach Spaces Containing a Weight Cone of Monotone or Quasiconcave Functions”, Math. Notes, 98:6 (2015), 957–970
Tyulenev A.I., “Traces of Weighted Sobolev Spaces With Muckenhoupt Weight. the Case P=1”, Nonlinear Anal.-Theory Methods Appl., 128 (2015), 248–272
Kalamajska A., Krbec M., “Well Posedness and Regularity For Heat Equation With the Initial Condition in Weighted Orlicz-Slobodetskii Space Subordinated To Orlicz Space Like Lambda(Log Lambda)(Alpha) and the Logarithmic Weight”, Rev. Mat. Complut., 28:3 (2015), 677–713