75 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mzm4183
Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning, 2018, 107
Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning, 2018, vii
Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning, 2018, 71
Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning, 2018, 4
Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning, 2018, 89
И. Е. Капорин, “Оценки констант ограниченной изометрии для жестких фреймов”, Матем. сб., 208:11 (2017), 75–89 ; I. E. Kaporin, “Bounding the restricted isometry constants for a tight frame”, Sb. Math., 208:11 (2017), 1646–1660
Li L., Xu D., Peng H., Kurths J., Yang Y., “Reconstruction of Complex Network Based on the Noise Via Qr Decomposition and Compressed Sensing”, Sci Rep, 7 (2017), 15036
Bach F., “Parcimony and Sub-Determined Linear Systems [By Emmanuel Candes]”, Asterisque, 2017, no. 390, 409–426
Laura Mainini, Karen E. Willcox, 18th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2017
Malek-Mohammadi M., Koochakzadeh A., Babaie-Zadeh M., Jansson M., Rojas C.R., “Successive Concave Sparsity Approximation for Compressed Sensing”, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 64:21 (2016), 5657–5671