15 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mzm2628
Gonzalez Fernandez E., Morales-Luna G., Sagols F., “A Zero-Knowledge Proof System With Algebraic Geometry Techniques”, Appl. Sci.-Basel, 10:2 (2020), 465
Shablya Yu., Kruchinin D., “Euler-Catalan'S Number Triangle and Its Application”, Symmetry-Basel, 12:4 (2020), 600
Ivanov-Pogodaev I., Malev S., “Finite Grobner Basis Algebras With Unsolvable Nilpotency Problem and Zero Divisors Problem”, J. Algebra, 508 (2018), 575–588
Elahi K., Ahmad A., Hasni R., “Construction Algorithm For Zero Divisor Graphs of Finite Commutative Rings and Their Vertex-Based Eccentric Topological Indices”, Mathematics, 6:12 (2018), 301
И. А. Иванов-Погодаев, “Алгебра с конечным базисом Грёбнера и неразрешимой проблемой делителей нуля”, Фундамент. и прикл. матем., 12:8 (2006), 79–96 ; I. A. Ivanov-Pogodaev, “Finite Gröbner basis algebra with unsolvable problem of zero divisors”, J. Math. Sci., 152:2 (2008), 191–202