11 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mzm2254
  1. Е. А. Плещева, “Интерполяционно-ортогональные базисы $n$-раздельных КМА и всплесков”, Тр. ИММ УрО РАН, 28, № 4, 2022, 154–163  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib
  2. Owais Ahmad, Neyaz A. Sheikh, “Nonuniform nonstationary wavelets and associated multiresolution analysis on local fields”, Novi Sad J. Math., 53:2 (2022), 155  crossref
  3. Е. П. Ушакова, “Образы операторов интегрирования в весовых функциональных пространствах”, Сиб. матем. журн., 63:6 (2022), 1382–1410  mathnet  crossref; E. P. Ushakova, “The images of integration operators in weighted function spaces”, Siberian Math. J., 63:6 (2022), 1181–1207  mathnet  crossref
  4. O. Ahmad, A. H. Wani, N. A. Sheikh, M. Ahmad, “Vector valued nonuniform nonstationary wavelets and associated MRA on local fields”, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics, 17:2 (2021), 19  crossref
  5. Viktor Makarichev, Vladimir Lukin, Iryna Brysina, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 188, Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering - 2020, 2021, 42  crossref
  6. Victor G. Zakharov, “Reproducing solutions to PDEs by scaling functions”, Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolut Inf. Process., 18:03 (2020), 2050017  crossref
  7. Е. А. Плещева, “Приближение функций $n$-раздельными всплесками в пространствах $L^p(\mathbb{R}),\ 1 \leq p \leq \infty$”, Тр. ИММ УрО РАН, 25, № 2, 2019, 167–176  mathnet  crossref  elib; E. A. Pleshcheva, “Approximation of Functions by $n$-Separate Wavelets in the Spaces ${L}^p(\mathbb{R})$, $1\leq p\leq\infty$”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 308, suppl. 1 (2020), S178–S187  crossref  isi
  8. Ashish Pathak, Guru P. Singh, “Wavelets in Sobolev space over local fields of positive characteristics”, Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolut Inf. Process., 16:04 (2018), 1850027  crossref
  9. Lebedeva E.A., “On a connection between nonstationary and periodic wavelets”, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 451:1 (2017), 434–447  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
  10. Dyn N., Kounchev O., Levin D., Render H., “Regularity of Generalized Daubechies Wavelets Reproducing Exponential Polynomials With Real-Valued Parameters”, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 37:2 (2014), 288–306  crossref  isi