15 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mzm2050
  1. Miguel Domínguez-Vázquez, David González-Álvaro, Lawrence Mouillé, “Infinite families of manifolds of positive $k\mathrm{th}$-intermediate Ricci curvature with k small”, Math. Ann., 386:3-4 (2023), 1979  crossref
  2. P.N. Klepikov, E.D. Rodionov, “Eigenvalues of Ricci Operator of Four-Dimensional Locally Homogeneous Riemannian Manifolds with Nontrivial Isotropy Subgroup”, Известия АлтГУ, 2023, № 1(129), 100  crossref
  3. D.V. Vylegzhanin, P.N. Klepikov, O.P. Khromova, “Eigenvalues of the Ricci Operator on Four-Dimensional Locally Homogeneous (Pseudo)Riemannian Manifolds with a Four-Dimensional Isotropy Subgroup”, Известия АлтГУ, 2021, № 1(117), 93  crossref
  4. Martin Herrmann, “Homogeneous spaces, curvature and cohomology”, Differential Geometry and its Applications, 48 (2016), 1  crossref
  5. Y. Nikolayevsky, Yu. G. Nikonorov, “On solvable Lie groups of negative Ricci curvature”, Math. Z., 280:1-2 (2015), 1  crossref
  6. Marcos M. Alexandrino, Renato G. Bettiol, Lie Groups and Geometric Aspects of Isometric Actions, 2015, 139  crossref
  7. Catherine Searle, Frederick Wilhelm, “How to lift positive Ricci curvature”, Geom. Topol., 19:3 (2015), 1409  crossref
  8. Berestovskii V.N., Gorbatsevich V.V., “Homogeneous Spaces With Inner Metric and With Integrable Invariant Distributions”, Anal. Math. Phys., 4:4 (2014), 263–331  crossref  isi
  9. S. Bechtluft-Sachs, D. J. Wraith, “On the curvature on G-manifolds with finitely many non-principal orbits”, Geom Dedicata, 162:1 (2013), 109  crossref
  10. Гладунова О.П., Родионов Е.Д., Славский В.В., “Области знакоопределенной кривизны на трехмерных группах ли с левоинвариантной римановой метрикой”, Известия Алтайского государственного университета, 2012, № 1-1, 32–35 Sign-defined curvature domains on three-dimensional lie groups with left-invariant riemannian metrics  elib