34 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mzm1360
Kurdila A.J., Xu B., “Near-Optimal Approximation Rates for Distribution Free Learning with Exponentially, Mixing Observations”, 2010 American Control Conference, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, IEEE, 2010, 504–509
Ettinger B., Sarig N., Yomdin Y., “Linear versus non-linear acquisition of step-functions”, J. Geom. Anal., 18:2 (2008), 369–399
Temlyakov V.N., “Approximation in learning theory”, Constr. Approx., 27:1 (2008), 33–74
Konyagin S.V., Temlyakov V.N., “The entropy in learning theory. Error estimates”, Constr. Approx., 25:1 (2007), 1–27
DeVore R., Kerkyacharian G., Picard D., Temlyakov V., “Approximation methods for supervised learning”, Found. Comput. Math., 6:1 (2006), 3–58
A. I. Stepanets, “Problems of approximation theory in linear spaces”, Ukr Math J, 58:1 (2006), 54
А. С. Романюк, “Наилучшие $M$-членные тригонометрические приближения классов Бесова периодических функций многих переменных”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 67:2 (2003), 61–100 ; A. S. Romanyuk, “Best $M$-term trigonometric approximations of Besov classes of periodic functions of several variables”, Izv. Math., 67:2 (2003), 265–302
Kerkyacharian G., Picard D., “Entropy, universal coding, approximation, and bases properties”, Constr. Approx., 20:1 (2003), 1–37
DeVore R., Petrova G., Temlyakov V., “Best basis selection for approximation in $L_p$”, Found. Comput. Math., 3:2 (2003), 161–185
Temlyakov V.N., “Nonlinear methods of approximation”, Found. Comput. Math., 3:1 (2003), 33–107