57 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mzm1216
Ю. В. Покорный, М. Б. Зверева, С. А. Шабров, “Осцилляционная теория Штурма–Лиувилля для импульсных задач”, УМН, 63:1(379) (2008), 111–154 ; Yu. V. Pokornyi, M. B. Zvereva, S. A. Shabrov, “Sturm–Liouville oscillation theory for impulsive problems”, Russian Math. Surveys, 63:1 (2008), 109–153
Korotyaev, E, “A priori estimates for the Hill and Dirac operators”, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 15:3 (2008), 320
Lassas, M, “Inverse scattering problem for a two dimensional random potential”, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 279:3 (2008), 669
П. Б. Джаков, Б. С. Митягин, “Зоны неустойчивости одномерных периодических операторов Шрёдингера и Дирака”, УМН, 61:4(370) (2006), 77–182 ; P. B. Djakov, B. S. Mityagin, “Instability zones of periodic 1-dimensional Schrödinger and Dirac operators”, Russian Math. Surveys, 61:4 (2006), 663–766
Neiman-Zade, MI, “Strongly elliptic operators with singular coefficients”, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 13:1 (2006), 70
Kappeler, T, “The Miura map on the line”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2005, no. 50, 3091
Kappeler, T, “Riccati map on L-0(2)(T) and its applications”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 309:2 (2005), 544
Albeverio, S, “Inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville operators in impedance form”, Journal of Functional Analysis, 222:1 (2005), 143
Kappeler, T, “Global fold structure of the Miura map on L-2(T)”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2004, no. 39, 2039
Shvedov, OY, “Approximations for strongly singular evolution equations”, Journal of Functional Analysis, 210:2 (2004), 259