12 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mzm10787
Aliev R.A., Asgarova A.A., Ismailov V.E., “On the Representation By Bivariate Ridge Functions”, Ukr. Math. J., 73:5 (2021), 675–685
R. A. Aliev, A. A. Asgarova, V. E. Ismailov, “On the representation by bivariate ridge functions”, Ukr. Mat. Zhurn., 73:5 (2021), 579
R. A. Aliev, V. E. Ismailov, “A representation problem for smooth sums of ridge functions”, J. Approx. Theory, 257 (2020), 105448
R. A. Aliev, A. A. Asgarova, V. E. Ismailov, “A note on continuous sums of ridge functions”, J. Approx. Theory, 237 (2019), 210–221
A. A. Kuleshov, “Continuous sums of ridge functions on a convex body with dini condition on moduli of continuity at boundary points”, Anal. Math., 45:2 (2019), 335–345
R. A. Aliev, A. A. Asgarova, V. E. Ismailov, “On the Holder continuity in ridge function representation”, Proc. Inst. Math. Mech., 45:1 (2019), 31–40
С. В. Конягин, А. А. Кулешов, В. Е. Майоров, “Некоторые проблемы теории ридж-функций”, Комплексный анализ, математическая физика и приложения, Сборник статей, Труды МИАН, 301, МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», М., 2018, 155–181
; S. V. Konyagin, A. A. Kuleshov, V. E. Maiorov, “Some problems in the theory of ridge functions”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 301 (2018), 144–169
А. А. Кулешов, “Непрерывные суммы ридж-функций на выпуклом теле и класс VMO”, Матем. заметки, 102:6 (2017), 866–873
; A. A. Kuleshov, “Continuous Sums of Ridge Functions on a Convex Body and the Class VMO”, Math. Notes, 102:6 (2017), 799–805
V. E. Ismailov, “A note on the equioscillation theorem for best ridge function approximation”, Expo. Math., 35:3 (2017), 343–349
R. A. Aliev, V. E. Ismailov, “On a smoothness problem in ridge function representation”, Adv. in Appl. Math., 73 (2016), 154–169