349 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mmj73
Dmitri Orlov, “Smooth and proper noncommutative schemes and gluing of DG categories”, Adv. Math., 302 (2016), 59–105 , arXiv: 1402.7364
Uehara H., “Autoequivalences of Derived Categories of Elliptic Surfaces With Non-Zero Kodaira Dimension”, Algebraic Geom., 3:5 (2016), 543–577
Fiorot L., Mattiello F., Tonolo A., “a Classification Theorem For T-Structures”, J. Algebra, 465 (2016), 214–258
Bergh D., Lunts V.A., Schnurer O.M., “Geometricity For Derived Categories of Algebraic Stacks”, Sel. Math.-New Ser., 22:4, SI (2016), 2535–2568
Bahlekeh A., Hakimian E., Salarian Sh., Takahashi R., “Annihilation of Cohomology, Generation of Modules and Finiteness of Derived Dimension”, Q. J. Math., 67:3 (2016), 387–404
Chen X., Lu M., “Derived Equivalences and Recollements of Differential Graded Algebras and Schemes”, Algebr. Colloq., 23:3 (2016), 385–408
Balmer P., Dell'Ambrogio I., Sanders B., “Grothendieck-Neeman Duality and the Wirthmiiller Isomorphism”, Compos. Math., 152:8 (2016), 1740–1776
Balmer P., “the Derived Category of An Etale Extension and the Separable Neeman-Thomason Theorem”, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu, 15:3 (2016), 613–623
Ballard M., Deliu D., Favero D., Isik M.U., Katzarkov L., “Resolutions in Factorization Categories”, Adv. Math., 295 (2016), 195–249
Kuribayashi K., “the Ghost Length and Duality on the Chain and Cochain Type Levels”, Homol. Homotopy Appl., 18:2 (2016), 107–132