341 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mmj73
  1. М. В. Бондарко, “Построение новых полуортогональных разложений в арифметической геометрии”, Матем. сб., 215:4 (2024), 81–116  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet; M. V. Bondarko, “Producing new semi-orthogonal decompositions in arithmetic geometry”, Sb. Math., 215:4 (2024), 511–542  crossref  isi
  2. Gonçalo Tabuada, Michel Van den Bergh, “Motivic Atiyah-Segal Completion Theorem”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024:4 (2024), 3497  crossref
  3. Noah Olander, “Orlov's Theorem in the smooth proper case”, Journal of Algebra, 643 (2024), 284  crossref
  4. Benjamin Briggs, Eloísa Grifo, Josh Pollitz, “Bounds on cohomological support varieties”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B, 11:21 (2024), 703  crossref
  5. Pat Lank, “Descent conditions for generation in derived categories”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 228:9 (2024), 107671  crossref
  6. Yuki Mizuno, “Some examples of noncommutative projective Calabi–Yau schemes”, Can. Math. Bull., 2024, 1  crossref
  7. Aran Tattar, “The Structure of Aisles and Co-aisles of t-Structures and Co-t-structures”, Appl Categor Struct, 32:1 (2024)  crossref
  8. Özgür Esentepe, Ryo Takahashi, “Annihilators and decompositions of singularity categories”, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 2024, 1  crossref
  9. Xin Ma, Ye Yang Peng, Zhao Yong Huang, “The Extension Dimension of Subcategories and Recollements of Abelian Categories”, Acta. Math. Sin.-English Ser., 40:4 (2024), 1042  crossref
  10. Dave Benson, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Henning Krause, Julia Pevtsova, Abel Symposia, 17, Triangulated Categories in Representation Theory and Beyond, 2024, 85  crossref