6 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/jsfu18
Saburov M., “On Discrete-Time Replicator Equations With Nonlinear Payoff Functions”, Dyn. Games Appl., 12:2 (2022), 643–661
Mukhamedov F., Embong A.F., Rosli A., “Orthogonal-Preserving and Surjective Cubic Stochastic Operators”, Ann. Funct. Anal., 8:4 (2017), 490–501
Mukhamedov F., Saburov M., “Stability and Monotonicity of Lotka-Volterra Type Operators”, Qual. Theor. Dyn. Syst., 16:2 (2017), 249–267
М. Х. Сабуров, “О сюръективности квадратичных стохастических операторов на симплексе”, Матем. заметки, 99:4 (2016), 635–639 ; M. Kh. Saburov, “On the Surjectivity of Quadratic Stochastic Operators Acting on the Simplex”, Math. Notes, 99:4 (2016), 623–627
Rozikov U.A., Zhamilov U.U., “Volterra quadratic stochastic operators of a two-sex population”, Ukrainian Math. J., 63:7 (2011), 1136–1153
Ganikhodzhaev R., Mukhamedov F., Rozikov U., “Quadratic stochastic operators and processes: results and open problems”, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 14:2 (2011), 279–335