61 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/jjm1
Soheyla Feyzbakhsh, Zhiyu Liu, Shizhuo Zhang, “new perspectives on categorical Torelli theorems for del Pezzo threefolds”, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 2024, 103627
Н. А. Вирин, “Автоморфизмы дювалевских поверхностей дель Пеццо”, Матем. сб., 215:12 (2024), 3–29
[N. A. Virin, “Automorphisms of Du Val del Pezzo surfaces”, Mat. Sb., 215:12 (2024), 3–29
] -
Alexander Kuznetsov, Evgeny Shinder, “Derived categories of Fano threefolds and degenerations”, Invent. math., 2024
Н. А. Вирин, “Автоморфизмы дювалевских поверхностей дель Пеццо”, Матем. сб., 215:12 (2024), 3–29
; N. A. Virin, “Automorphisms of Du Val del Pezzo surfaces”, Sb. Math., 215:12 (2024), 1582–1606
Sebastián Torres, “Bott Vanishing Using GIT and Quantization”, Michigan Math. J., -1:-1 (2023)
Xuqiang QIN, “Bridgeland stability of minimal instanton bundles on Fano threefolds”, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 75:4 (2023)
Yuri Prokhorov, “Rationality of Fano threefolds with terminal Gorenstein singularities, II”, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), 72 (2023), 1797–1821
Kiryong Chung, “Desingularization of Kontsevich's compactification of twisted cubics in $V_5$”, manuscripta math., 171:1-2 (2023), 347
Kento Fujita, “On K-Stability for Fano Threefolds of Rank 3 and Degree 28”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2023:15 (2023), 12601
Marin Petković, Franco Rota, “A note on the Kuznetsov component of the Veronese double cone”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 227:3 (2023), 107214