15 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/jath3
V. N. Temlyakov, “The Marcinkiewicz–type discretization theorems”, Constr. Approx., 48:2 (2018), 337–369
V. Temlyakov, “On the entropy numbers of the mixed smoothness function classes”, J. Approx. Theory, 217 (2017), 26–56
A. S. Romanyuk, “Estimation of the Entropy Numbers and Kolmogorov Widths for the Nikol'skii–Besov Classes of Periodic Functions of Many Variables”, Ukr Math J, 67:11 (2016), 1739
V. N. Temlyakov, “Sparse approximation by greedy algorithm”, Springer Proc. Math. Statist., 177 (2016), 183–215
В. Н. Темляков, “Конструктивные разреженные тригонометрические приближения и другие задачи для функций смешанной гладкости”, Матем. сб., 206:11 (2015), 131–160
; V. N. Temlyakov, “Constructive sparse trigonometric approximation and other problems for functions with mixed smoothness”, Sb. Math., 206:11 (2015), 1628–1656