3 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ivm1013
  1. Babich P.V. Levenshtam V.B., “Direct and Inverse Asymptotic Problems With High-Frequency Terms”, Asymptotic Anal., 97:3-4 (2016), 329–336  crossref  isi
  2. В. Б. Левенштам, “Асимптотическое интегрирование параболических задач с большими высокочастотными слагаемыми”, Сиб. матем. журн., 46:4 (2005), 805–821  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; V. B. Levenshtam, “Asymptotic integration of parabolic problems with large high-frequency summands”, Siberian Math. J., 46:4 (2005), 637–651  crossref  isi
  3. Levenshtam V.B., “Asymptotic integration of initial boundary value problem for Navier–Stokes systems with a rapidly oscillating mass force”, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 12:1 (2005), 40–48  mathscinet  zmath  isi