65 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/into21
D. Piontkovski, “Graded algebras and their differential graded extensions”, J Math Sci, 142:4 (2007), 2267
С. А. Илясов, “Распознавание некоторых свойств автоматных алгебр”, Алгебра, СМФН, 20, РУДН, М., 2006, 104–147
; S. A. Ilyasov, “Recognition of Certain Properties of Automaton Algebras”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 152:1 (2008), 95–136
Alexei Kanel-Belov, Louis H. Rowen, Uzi Vishne, “Normal bases of PI-algebras”, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 37:3 (2006), 378
С. А. Илясов, “Построение модуля сизигий автоматной мономиальной алгебры”, Фундамент. и прикл. матем., 11:2 (2005), 101–113
; S. A. Ilyasov, “Construction of the syzygy module in automaton monomial algebras”, J. Math. Sci., 142:2 (2007), 1933–1941
А. Я. Белов, “Линейные рекуррентные уравнения на дереве”, Матем. заметки, 78:5 (2005), 643–651
; A. Ya. Belov, “Linear Recurrence Equations on a Tree”, Math. Notes, 78:5 (2005), 603–609
V. V. Borisenko, E. S. Golod, N. K. Iyudu, A. V. Mikhalev, A. L. Shmelkin, “Viktor Nikolaevich Latyshev”, J Math Sci, 131:5 (2005), 5861
Jonas Månsson, Patrik Nordbeck, “A generalized Ufnarovski graph”, AAECC, 16:5 (2005), 293
L. M. SHNEERSON, “TYPES OF GROWTH AND IDENTITIES OF SEMIGROUPS”, Int. J. Algebra Comput., 15:05n06 (2005), 1189
Vesselin Drensky, Edward Formanek, Polynomial Identity Rings, 2004, 119
L. M. Shneerson, “On Semigroups of Intermediate Growth”, Communications in Algebra, 32:5 (2004), 1793