11 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/intg174
Stefano Baranzini, “Functional determinants for the second variation”, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl., 26:2 (2024)
I. Yu. Zhdanovskiy, “On Surjective Quadratic Maps from $\boldsymbol{\mathbb{P}}^{\mathbf{3}}$ to $\boldsymbol{\mathbb{P}}^{\mathbf{2}}$”, Lobachevskii J Math, 45:6 (2024), 2628
A. A. Kulikov, I. Yu. Zhdanovskiy, “On Surjective Quadratic Maps of $\boldsymbol{\mathbb{P}}^{\mathbf{2}}$”, Lobachevskii J Math, 44:6 (2023), 2072
Stefano Baranzini, “Operators Arising as Second Variation of Optimal Control Problems and Their Spectral Asymptotics”, J Dyn Control Syst, 29:3 (2023), 659
Andrey A. Agrachev, I. Yu. Beschastnyi, “Symplectic Geometry of Constrained Optimization”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 22:6 (2017), 750–770
А. В. Арутюнов, С. Е. Жуковский, “Свойства сюръективных вещественных квадратичных отображений”, Матем. сб., 207:9 (2016), 3–34 ; A. V. Arutyunov, S. E. Zhukovskiy, “Properties of surjective real quadratic maps”, Sb. Math., 207:9 (2016), 1187–1214
Emmanuel Trélat, “Asymptotics of accessibility sets along an abnormal trajectory”, ESAIM: COCV, 6 (2001), 387
Andrei A. Agrachev, Andrei V. Sarychev, “Sub-Riemannian Metrics: Minimality of Abnormal Geodesics versus Subanalyticity”, ESAIM: COCV, 4 (1999), 377
Andrej V. Sarychev, “Sufficient optimality conditions for Pontryagin extremals”, Systems & Control Letters, 19:6 (1992), 451
А. А. Аграчев, Р. В. Гамкрелидзе, “Симплектическая геометрия и необходимые условия оптимальности”, Матем. сб., 182:1 (1991), 36–54 ; A. A. Agrachev, R. V. Gamkrelidze, “Symplectic geometry and conditions necessary conditions for optimality”, Math. USSR-Sb., 72:1 (1992), 29–45