74 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/intd34
Masaru Nagaoka, “Fano compactifications of contractible affine 3-folds with trivial log canonical divisors”, Int. J. Math., 29:06 (2018), 1850042
Kiryong Chung, Jaehyun Hong, SangHyeon Lee, “Geometry of moduli spaces of rational curves in linear sections of Grassmannian Gr(2,5)”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 222:4 (2018), 868
Alexander G. Kuznetsov, Yuri G. Prokhorov, Constantin A. Shramov, “Hilbert schemes of lines and conics and automorphism groups of Fano threefolds”, Jpn. J. Math., 13:1 (2018), 109–185
Adrian Zahariuc, “Rational curves on Del Pezzo manifolds”, Advances in Geometry, 18:4 (2018), 451
Yuri Prokhorov, Constantin Shramov, “Jordan constant for Cremona group of rank $3$”, Mosc. Math. J., 17:3 (2017), 457–509
Giangiacomo Sanna, “Small Charge Instantons and Jumping Lines on the Quintic del Pezzo Threefold”, Int Math Res Notices, 2016, rnw198
Ilya Karzhemanov, “Fano threefolds with canonical Gorenstein singularities and big degree”, Math. Ann., 362:3-4 (2015), 1107
Yu. Prokhorov, “2-elementary subgroups of the space Cremona group”, Springer Proc. Math. Statist., 79 (2014), 215–229
Ю. Г. Прохоров, “O бирациональных инволюциях $\mathbb P^3$”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 77:3 (2013), 199–222 ; Yu. G. Prokhorov, “On birational involutions of $\mathbb P^3$”, Izv. Math., 77:3 (2013), 627–648
Max Pumperla, Frank Reidegeld, “G2-manifolds from K3 surfaces with non-symplectic automorphisms”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 62:11 (2012), 2214