182 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/intd31
О. И. Мохов, “О гамильтоновости произвольной эволюционной системы на множестве стационарных точек ее интеграла”, Изв. АН СССР. Сер. матем., 51:6 (1987), 1345–1352 ; O. I. Mokhov, “On the Hamiltonian property of an arbitrary evolution system on the set of stationary points of its integral”, Math. USSR-Izv., 31:3 (1988), 657–664
Ф. Х. Мукминов, В. В. Соколов, “Интегрируемые эволюционные уравнения со связями”, Матем. сб., 133(175):3(7) (1987), 392–414 ; F. Kh. Mukminov, V. V. Sokolov, “Integrable evolution equations with constraints”, Math. USSR-Sb., 61:2 (1988), 389–410
Д. Р. Лебедев, А. О. Радул, “Периодическое уравнение двухслойной жидкости:
метод раздевания”, ТМФ, 70:2 (1987), 202–210 ; D. R. Lebedev, A. O. Radul, “Periodic intermediate long wave equation: The undressing method”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 70:2 (1987), 140–147
Hugo H Torriani, “Integral powers of the Sturm-Liouville operator and the theory of partitions”, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 8:3 (1987), 345
Wing-Sum Cheung, “Higher order conservation laws and a higher order Noether's theorem”, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 8:4 (1987), 446
S. Saito, “String amplitudes as solutions to soliton equations”, Phys. Rev. D, 36:6 (1987), 1819
B. A. Kupershmidt, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1285, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, 1987, 270
Yoshihide Watanabe, “Super Hamiltonian structure of the even order SKP hierarchy without reduction”, Lett Math Phys, 14:3 (1987), 263
B.A. Kupershmidt, “Hydrodynamical poisson brackets and local lie algebras”, Physics Letters A, 121:4 (1987), 167
H. Tasso, “Generalized Hamiltonians, functional integration and statistics of continuous fluids and plasmas”, Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 16:2-3 (1987), 231