143 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im929
Masahiro Futaki, Hiroshige Kajiura, “Homological mirror symmetry of CPn and their products via Morse homotopy”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 62:3 (2021)
Harder A. Thompson A., “Pseudolattices, Del Pezzo Surfaces, and Lefschetz Fibrations”, Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 373:3 (2020), 2071–2104
Hiroshi Iritani, “Global Mirrors and Discrepant Transformations for Toric Deligne–Mumford Stacks”, SIGMA, 16 (2020), 032, 111 pp.
Л. А. Гусева, “О производной категории $\mathrm{IGr}(3,8)$”, Матем. сб., 211:7 (2020), 24–59
; L. A. Guseva, “On the derived category of $\mathrm{IGr}(3,8)$”, Sb. Math., 211:7 (2020), 922–955
Antonelli V., Malaspina F., “Instanton Bundles on the Segre Threefold With Picard Number Three”, Math. Nachr., 293:6 (2020), 1026–1043
Carocci F. Turcinovic Z., “Homological Projective Duality For Linear Systems With Base Locus”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2020:21 (2020), 7829–7856
Belmans P., Raedschelders T., “Derived Categories of Noncommutative Quadrics and Hilbert Squares”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2020:19 (2020), 6042–6069
Hochenegger A. Meachan C., “Frobenius and Spherical Codomains and Neighbourhoods”, Doc. Math., 25 (2020), 483–525
Castravet A.-M. Tevelev J., “Derived Category of Moduli of Pointed Curves. i”, Algebraic Geom., 7:6 (2020), 722–757
Malaspina F., Marchesi S., Pons-Llopis J.F., “Instanton Bundles on the Flag Variety F(0,1,2)”, Ann. Scuola Norm. Super. Pisa-Cl. Sci., 20:4 (2020), 1469–1505