142 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im929
A. I. Bondal, M. Larsen, V. A. Lunts, “Grothendieck ring of pretriangulated categories”, Int. Math. Res. Not., 2004, no. 29, 1461–1495
L. Costa, R. M. Mir�-Roig, “Tilting sheaves on toric varieties”, Math. Z., 248:4 (2004), 849
Д. О. Орлов, “Производные категории когерентных пучков и эквивалентности между ними”, УМН, 58:3(351) (2003), 89–172 ; D. O. Orlov, “Derived categories of coherent sheaves and equivalences between them”, Russian Math. Surveys, 58:3 (2003), 511–591
Y. Namikawa, “Mukai flops and derived categories”, J. Reine Angew. Math., 560 (2003), 65–76
D. Eisenbud, G. Fl\oo ystad, F.-O. Schreyer, “Sheaf cohomology and free resolutions over exterior algebras”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 355:11 (2003), 4397–4426
David Eisenbud, Gunnar Fløystad, Frank-Olaf Schreyer, “Sheaf cohomology and free resolutions over exterior algebras”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 355:11 (2003), 4397
А. В. Самохин, “Производная категория когерентных пучков на $LG_3^{\mathbf C}$”, УМН, 56:3(339) (2001), 177–178 ; A. V. Samokhin, “The derived category of coherent sheaves on $LG_3^{\mathbf C}$”, Russian Math. Surveys, 56:3 (2001), 592–594
A. L. Gorodenzev, “Top Chern classes of universal bundles on the complex projective plane and correlation functions of asymptotically free SYM $N=2$ QFT”, Algebraic geometry, 11, J. Math. Sci. (New York), 106:5 (2001), 3240–3257
M. Van den Bergh, Blowing up of non-commutative smooth surfaces, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., 154, no. 734, 2001, x+140 pp.
С. А. Кулешов, “Жесткие расслоения на рациональных поверхностях”, Докл. РАН, 358:1 (1998), 16–18 ; S. A. Kuleshov, “Rigid bundles on rational surfaces”, Dokl. Math., 57:1 (1998), 10–12