18 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im8834
  1. Ivan Cheltsov, Elena Denisova, Kento Fujita, “K-stable smooth Fano threefolds of Picard rank two”, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 12 (2024)  crossref  mathscinet
  2. Elena Denisova, “On K$K$‐stability of P3$\mathbb {P}^3$ blown up along the disjoint union of a twisted cubic curve and a line”, Journal of London Math Soc, 109:5 (2024)  crossref
  3. Elena Denisova, “K-stability of Fano 3-folds of Picard rank 3 and degree 20”, Ann Univ Ferrara, 70:3 (2024), 987  crossref
  4. P. Belmans, E. Fatighenti, F. Tanturri, “Polyvector fields for Fano 3-folds”, Math. Z., 304:1 (2023), 12  crossref  mathscinet
  5. Yu. Prokhorov, M. Zaidenberg, “Affine cones over Fano–Mukai fourfolds of genus 10 are flexible”, The Art of Doing Algebraic Geometry, Trends in Mathematics, 2023, 363–383  crossref  mathscinet
  6. K. Loginov, “K-polystability of 3-dimensional log Fano pairs of Maeda type”, Int. J. Math., 34:01 (2023), 2250095  crossref  mathscinet
  7. M. Miao, G. Tian, “A note on Kähler–Ricci flow on Fano threefolds”, Peking Math. J., 2023  crossref
  8. Yu. Prokhorov, M. Zaidenberg, “Fano-Mukai fourfolds of genus 10 and their automorphism groups”, Eur. J. Math., 8:2 (2022), 561–572  crossref  mathscinet  isi
  9. G. Occhetta, E. A. Romano, L. E. Solá Conde, J. A. Wiśniewski, “Small bandwidth $\mathbb{C}^*$-actions and birational geometry”, J. Algebraic Geom., 32:1 (2022), 1–57  crossref  mathscinet
  10. H. Süß, “Orbit spaces of maximal torus actions on oriented Grassmannians of planes”, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 386, Interactions with Lattice Polytopes, 2022, 335–349  crossref  mathscinet