16 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im7930
A. V. Fonarev, “Derived categories of Grassmannians: a survey”, УМН, 79:5(479) (2024), 61–100
; Russian Math. Surveys, 79:5 (2024), 807–845
Giordano Cotti, Boris A. Dubrovin, Davide Guzzetti, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2356, Helix Structures in Quantum Cohomology of Fano Varieties, 2024, 97
Timothy De Deyn, “A note on affine cones over Grassmannians and their stringy 𝐸-functions”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 2023
Fonarev A., “Full Exceptional Collections on Lagrangian Grassmannians”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2022:2 (2022), 1081–1122
Mironov M., “Lefschetz Exceptional Collections in S-K-Equivariant Categories of (P-N)(K)”, Eur. J. Math., 7:3 (2021), 1182–1208
Л. А. Гусева, “О производной категории $\mathrm{IGr}(3,8)$”, Матем. сб., 211:7 (2020), 24–59
; L. A. Guseva, “On the derived category of $\mathrm{IGr}(3,8)$”, Sb. Math., 211:7 (2020), 922–955
Kuznetsov A. Smirnov M., “On Residual Categories For Grassmannians”, Proc. London Math. Soc., 120:5 (2020), 617–641
Cruz Morales J.A., Mellit A., Perrin N., Smirnov M., Kuznetsov A., “On Quantum Cohomology of Grassmannians of Isotropic Lines, Unfoldings of a(N)-Singularities, and Lefschetz Exceptional Collections”, Ann. Inst. Fourier, 69:3 (2019), 955–991
Kuznetsov A., “Calabi-Yau and Fractional Calabi-Yau Categories”, J. Reine Angew. Math., 753 (2019), 239–267
Arrondo E., Tocino A., “Cohomological Characterization of Universal Bundles of G(1, N)”, J. Algebra, 540 (2019), 206–233