28 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im730
М. Е. Широков, “О локальной непрерывности характеристик составных квантовых систем”, Некоммутативный анализ и квантовая информатика, Сборник статей. К 80-летию академика Александра Семеновича Холево, Труды МИАН, 324, МИАН, М., 2024, 238–276 ; M. E. Shirokov, “On Local Continuity of Characteristics of Composite Quantum Systems”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 324 (2024), 225–260
Maksim Shirokov, “Close-to-optimal continuity bound for the von Neumann entropy and other quasi-classical applications of the Alicki–Fannes–Winter technique”, Lett. Math. Phys., 113 (2023), 121–35
M. E. Shirokov, “Quantifying continuity of characteristics of composite quantum systems”, Phys. Scr., 98:4 (2023), 042002
Ludovico Lami, Maksim E. Shirokov, “Attainability and Lower Semi-continuity of the Relative Entropy of Entanglement and Variations on the Theme”, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 24 (2023), 4069–4137
Roman Gielerak, “Renormalized Von Neumann entropy with application to entanglement in genuine infinite dimensional systems”, Quantum Inf Process, 22:8 (2023)
M. E. Shirokov, “Local lower bounds on characteristics of quantum and classical systems”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 44:6 (2023), 2169–2191
М. Е. Широков, “Критерий сходимости квантовой относительной энтропии и его использование”, Матем. сб., 213:12 (2022), 137–174 ; M. E. Shirokov, “Convergence criterion for quantum relative entropy and its use”, Sb. Math., 213:12 (2022), 1740–1772
Shirokov M.E., “On Quantum States With a Finite-Dimensional Approximation Property”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 42:10, SI (2021), 2437–2454
Becker S., Datta N., “Convergence Rates For Quantum Evolution and Entropic Continuity Bounds in Infinite Dimensions”, Commun. Math. Phys., 374:2 (2020), 823–871
М. Е. Широков, “Оценки сверху для информации Холево и их использование”, Пробл. передачи информ., 55:3 (2019), 3–20 ; M. E. Shirokov, “Upper bounds for the Holevo quantity and their use”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 55:3 (2019), 201–217