85 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im556
Bernardara M. Bolognesi M. Faenzi D., “Homological projective duality for determinantal varieties”, Adv. Math., 296 (2016), 181–209
Kuznetsov A. Polishchuk A., “Exceptional collections on isotropic Grassmannians”, J. Eur. Math. Soc., 18:3 (2016), 507–574
Kuznetsov A., “Derived Categories View on Rationality Problems”, Rationality Problems in Algebraic Geometry, Lect. Notes Math., Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2172, ed. Pardini R. Pirola G., Springer International Publishing Ag, 2016, 67–104
Abuaf R., “Wonderful Resolutions and Categorical Crepant Resolutions of Singularities”, J. Reine Angew. Math., 708 (2015), 115–141
Meachan C., “Derived Autoequivalences of Generalised Kummer Varieties”, Math. Res. Lett., 22:4 (2015), 1193–1221
Krug A., “Extension Groups of Tautological Sheaves on Hilbert Schemes”, J. Algebr. Geom., 23:3 (2014), 571–598
Bayer A., Macri E., “Projectivity and Birational Geometry of Bridgeland Moduli Spaces”, J. Am. Math. Soc., 27:3 (2014), 707–752
Maria Chiara Brambilla, Daniele Faenzi, “Vector bundles on Fano threefolds of genus 7 and Brill–Noether loci”, Int. J. Math., 25:03 (2014), 1450023
Asher Auel, Marcello Bernardara, Michele Bolognesi, “Fibrations in complete intersections of quadrics, Clifford algebras, derived categories, and rationality problems”, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 2013
Galkin S. Shinder E., “Exceptional Collections of Line Bundles on the Beauville Surface”, Adv. Math., 244 (2013), 1033–1050