16 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im505
Bauer I., Catanese F., “Burniat Surfaces III: Deformations of Automorphisms and Extended Burniat Surfaces”, Doc. Math., 18 (2013), 1089–1136
Chan Tsz On Mario, Coughlan S., “Kulikov Surfaces Form a Connected Component of the Moduli Space”, Nagoya Math. J., 210 (2013), 1–27
Bauer I., Catanese F., Grunewald F., Pignatelli R., “Quotients of Products of Curves, New Surfaces with P(G)=0 and their Fundamental Groups”, Am. J. Math., 134:4 (2012), 993–1049
Bauer I., Catanese F., “Burniat surfaces II: secondary Burniat surfaces form three connected components of the moduli space”, Inventiones Mathematicae, 180:3 (2010), 559–588
Calabri A., Mendes Lopes M., Pardini R., “Involutions on numerical Campedelli surfaces”, Tohoku Math. J. (2), 60:1 (2008), 1–22
Вик. С. Куликов, В. М. Харламов, “Поверхности с DIF$\ne$DEF вещественными структурами”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 70:4 (2006), 135–174
; Vik. S. Kulikov, V. M. Kharlamov, “Surfaces with DIF$\ne$DEF real structures”, Izv. Math., 70:4 (2006), 769–807