18 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im4113
Д. И. Борисов, М. Знойил, “О собственных значениях $\mathscr{P\!T}$-симметричного оператора в тонком слое”, Матем. сб., 208:2 (2017), 3–30
; D. I. Borisov, M. Znojil, “On eigenvalues of a $\mathscr{P\!T}$-symmetric operator in a thin layer”, Sb. Math., 208:2 (2017), 173–199
Borisov D.I., Dmitriev S.V., “On the Spectral Stability of Kinks in 2D Klein-Gordon Model with Parity-Time-Symmetric Perturbation”, Stud. Appl. Math., 138:3 (2017), 317–342
Borisov D., Golovina A., Veselic I., “Quantum Hamiltonians with Weak Random Abstract Perturbation. I. Initial Length Scale Estimate”, Ann. Henri Poincare, 17:9 (2016), 2341–2377
Д. И. Борисов, “Возникновение собственных значений для $\mathcal{PT}$-симметричного оператора в тонкой полосе”, Матем. заметки, 98:6 (2015), 809–823
; D.I. Borisov, “The Emergence of Eigenvalues of a $\mathcal{PT}$-Symmetric Operator in a Thin Strip”, Math. Notes, 98:6 (2015), 872–883
Duchene V., Vukicevic I., Weinstein M.I., “Oscillatory and Localized Perturbations of Periodic Structures and the Bifurcation of Defect Modes”, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 47:5 (2015), 3832–3883
Duchene V., Vukicevic I., Weinstein M.I., “Homogenized Description of Defect Modes in Periodic Structures With Localized Defects”, Commun. Math. Sci., 13:3 (2015), 777–823
А. М. Головина, “О спектре периодических эллиптических операторов с разбегающимися возмущениями в пространстве”, Алгебра и анализ, 25:5 (2013), 32–60
; A. M. Golovina, “On the spectrum of elliptic operators with distant perturbation in the space”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 25:5 (2014), 735–754
Golovina A.M., “On the resolvent of elliptic operators with distant perturbations in the space”, Russ. J. Math. Phys., 19:2 (2012), 182–192