53 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im2513
Gerd Faltings, Arithmetic Geometry, 1986, 1
Michael Schneider, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1194, Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry, 1986, 150
Joseph H. Silverman, “Integral points on Abelian varieties”, Invent Math, 81:2 (1985), 341
Spencer Bloch, “The proof of the mordell conjecture”, Math Intelligencer, 6:2 (1984), 41
C. A. M. Peters, “A criterion for flatness of Hodge bundles over curves and geometric applications”, Math. Ann., 268:1 (1984), 1
Carlos J. Moreno, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1052, Number Theory, 1984, 252
G. Faltings, “Endlichkeitss�tze f�r abelsche Variet�ten �ber Zahlk�rpern”, Invent Math, 73:3 (1983), 349
Mireille Deschamps, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 710, Séminaire Bourbaki vol. 1977/78 Exposés 507–524, 1979, 233
A. Van De Ven, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 677, Séminaire Bourbaki vol. 1976/77 Exposés 489–506, 1978, 237
А. Н. Рудаков, И. Р. Шафаревич, “Несепарабельные морфизмы алгебраических поверхностей”, Изв. АН СССР. Сер. матем., 40:6 (1976), 1269–1307
; A. N. Rudakov, I. R. Shafarevich, “Inseparable morphisms of algebraic surfaces”, Math. USSR-Izv., 10:6 (1976), 1205–1237