85 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im2332
Yurii A. Neretin, The Orbit Method in Geometry and Physics, 2003, 297
J. Hilgert, A. Pasquale, È. B. Vinberg, “The dual horospherical Radon transform for polynomials”, Mosc. Math. J., 2:1 (2002), 113–126
Hanspeter Kraft, Nolan R. Wallach, “On the separation property of orbits in representation spaces”, Journal of Algebra, 258:1 (2002), 228
William M. McGovern, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, 131, Algebraic Quotients. Torus Actions and Cohomology. The Adjoint Representation and the Adjoint Action, 2002, 159
È. B. Vinberg, “Equivariant symplectic geometry of cotangent bundles”, Mosc. Math. J., 1:2 (2001), 287–299
James B. Carrell, Alexandre Kurth, “Normality of Torus Orbit Closures in G/P”, Journal of Algebra, 233:1 (2000), 122
И. В. Аржанцев, “Стягивания аффинных сферических многообразий”, Матем. сб., 190:7 (1999), 3–22
; I. V. Arzhantsev, “Contractions of affine spherical varieties”, Sb. Math., 190:7 (1999), 937–954
Dmitri I. Panyushev, “Actions of ‘nilpotent tori’ on G-varieties”, Indagationes Mathematicae, 10:4 (1999), 565
Alexander Astashkevich, Ranee Brylinski, Advances in Geometry, 1999, 19
Д. В. Алексеевский, В. О. Бугаенко, Г. И. Ольшанский, В. Л. Попов, О. В. Шварцман, “Эрнест Борисович Винберг (к шестидесятилетию со дня рождения)”, УМН, 52:6(318) (1997), 193–200
; D. V. Alekseevskii, V. O. Bugaenko, G. I. Olshanskii, V. L. Popov, O. V. Schwarzman, “Érnest Borisovich Vinberg (on his 60th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 52:6 (1997), 1335–1343