90 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im2123
Laurent Gruson, Steven V. Sam, Jerzy Weyman, Commutative Algebra, 2013, 419
Mark Reeder, Paul Levy, Jiu-Kang Yu, Benedict H. Gross, “Gradings of positive rank on simple Lie algebras”, Transformation Groups, 2012
Frédéric Holweck, Jean-Gabriel Luque, Jean-Yves Thibon, “Geometric descriptions of entangled states by auxiliary varieties”, J. Math. Phys, 53:10 (2012), 102203
de Graaf W.A., Vinberg E.B., Yakimova O.S., “An Effective Method to Compute Closure Ordering for Nilpotent Orbits of Theta-Representations”, J. Algebra, 371 (2012), 38–62
Fedor Bogomolov, Christian Böhning, Hans-Christian Graf von Bothmer, “Linear bounds for levels of stable rationality”, centr.eur.j.math, 2011
de Graaf W.A., “Computing Representatives of Nilpotent Orbits of Theta-Groups”, J. Symbolic Comput., 46:4 (2011), 438–458
Yuhan Fang, Shir Levkowitz, Hisham Sati, Daniel Thompson, “Hypermatrix factors for string and membrane junctions”, J Phys A Math Theor, 43:50 (2010), 505401
Willem A. de Graaf, Oksana S. Yakimova, “Good Index Behaviour of θ-Representations, I”, Algebr Represent Theor, 15:4 (2010), 613
Takuya Ohta, “Orbits, rings of invariants and Weyl groups for classical $\Theta$-groups”, Tohoku Math. J. (2), 62:4 (2010)
Dmitri I. Panyushev, “Properties of weight posets for weight multiplicity free representations”, Mosc. Math. J., 9:4 (2009), 867–883