131 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1965
  1. Ugo Bruzzo, Vitantonio Peragine, “Semistable Higgs bundles on elliptic surfaces”, Advances in Geometry, 22:2 (2022), 151  crossref
  2. Rebecca Tramel, Bingyu Xia, “Bridgeland stability conditions on surfaces with curves of negative self-intersection”, Advances in Geometry, 22:3 (2022), 383  crossref
  3. Benoît Cadorel, Frédéric Campana, Erwan Rousseau, “Hyperbolicity and specialness of symmetric powers”, Journal de l'École polytechnique — Mathématiques, 9 (2022), 381  crossref
  4. Chao Li, Yanci Nie, Xi Zhang, “Numerically flat holomorphic bundles over non-Kähler manifolds”, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2022:790 (2022), 267  crossref
  5. Fedor A. Bogomolov, Elena Lukzen, “Stable vector bundles on the families of curves”, European Journal of Mathematics, 8:2 (2022), 540  crossref
  6. Ю. Г. Прохоров, “Эквивариантная программа минимальных моделей”, УМН, 76:3(459) (2021), 93–182  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa; Yu. G. Prokhorov, “Equivariant minimal model program”, Russian Math. Surveys, 76:3 (2021), 461–542  crossref  isi  elib
  7. Takuro Mochizuki, “Good Wild Harmonic Bundles and Good Filtered Higgs Bundles”, SIGMA, 17 (2021), 068, 66 pp.  mathnet  crossref
  8. Kang Zuo, “On the Negativity of Moduli Spaces for Polarized Manifolds”, Vietnam J. Math., 49:2 (2021), 527  crossref
  9. Maria Lucia Fania, Antonio Lanteri, “Hilbert curves of conic fibrations over smooth surfaces”, Communications in Algebra, 49:2 (2021), 545  crossref
  10. Erwan Rousseau, Amos Turchet, Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang, “Nonspecial varieties and generalised Lang–Vojta conjectures”, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 9 (2021)  crossref