132 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1965
Ulrich Schafft, “Chernklassen semi-stabiler Rang-3-vektorbündel auf kubischen Dreimannigfaltigkeiten”, manuscripta math, 57:1 (1986), 33
Д. Г. Маркушевич, “Интегрируемые симплектические структуры на компактных комплексных многообразиях”, Матем. сб., 131(173):4(12) (1986), 465–476
; D. G. Markushevich, “Integrable symplectic structures on compact complex manifolds”, Math. USSR-Sb., 59:2 (1988), 459–469
Shoshichi Kobayashi, North-Holland Mathematical Library, 34, Aspects of Mathematics and its Applications, 1986, 477
Michael Schneider, Alessandro Tancredi, “Positive vector bundles on complex surfaces”, Manuscripta Math, 50:1 (1985), 133
Hubert Flenner, “Restrictions of semistable bundles on projective varieties”, Comment Math Helv, 59:1 (1984), 635
F. Catanese, “On the moduli spaces of surfaces of general type”, J. Differential Geom., 19:2 (1984)
Hans J�rgen Hoppe, “Generischer Spaltungstyp und zweite Chernklasse stabiler Vektorraumb�ndel vom Rang 4 auf ?4”, Math Z, 187:3 (1984), 345
Bun Wong, “A class of compact complex manifolds with negative tangent bundles”, Math Z, 185:2 (1984), 217
Martin L�bke, “Stability of Einstein-Hermitian vector bundles”, Manuscripta Math, 42:2-3 (1983), 245
Martin Lübke, “Chernklassen von Hermite-Einstein-Vektorbündeln”, Math. Ann., 260:1 (1982), 133