28 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1912
  1. Edoardo Dotti, “On the commensurability of hyperbolic Coxeter groups”, manuscripta math., 173:1-2 (2024), 203  crossref
  2. Alessio Savini, “On the trivializability of rank-one cocycles with an invariant field of projective measures”, European Journal of Mathematics, 10:1 (2024)  crossref
  3. Nikolay Bogachev, Leone Slavich, Hongbin Sun, “Arithmetic Trialitarian Hyperbolic Lattices Are Not Locally Extended Residually Finite”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024  crossref
  4. Nikolay Bogachev, Sami Douba, Jean Raimbault, “Infinitely many commensurability classes of compact Coxeter polyhedra in H4 and H5”, Advances in Mathematics, 448 (2024), 109705  crossref
  5. Vincent Emery, Olivier Mila, “Hyperbolic manifolds and pseudo-arithmeticity”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B, 8:9 (2021), 277  crossref
  6. G. Prasad, A. S. Rapinchuk, “Generic elements of a Zariski-dense subgroup form an open subset”, Òð. ÌÌÎ, 78, № 2, ÌÖÍÌÎ, Ì., 2017, 357–375  mathnet  elib; Trans. Moscow Math. Soc., 78 (2017), 299–314  crossref
  7. Vincent Emery, “On volumes of quasi-arithmetic hyperbolic lattices”, Sel. Math. New Ser., 23:4 (2017), 2849  crossref
  8. Belolipetsky M., “Arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups”, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 53:3 (2016), 437–475  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
  9. Kanghyun Choi, Suhyoung Choi, “The definability criteria for convex projective polyhedral reflection groups”, Geom Dedicata, 2014  crossref
  10. V.I.. Chernousov, A.S.. Rapinchuk, I.A.. Rapinchuk, “The genus of a division algebra and the unramified Brauer group”, Bull. Math. Sci, 2013  crossref