119 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1877
С. Г. Танкеев, “Об алгебраических циклах на поверхностях и абелевых многообразиях”, Изв. АН СССР. Сер. матем., 45:2 (1981), 398–434 ; S. G. Tankeev, “On algebraic cycles on surfaces and Abelian varieties”, Math. USSR-Izv., 18:2 (1982), 349–380
Bruce Crauder, “Birational morphisms of smooth threefolds collapsing three surfaces to a point”, Duke Math. J., 48:3 (1981)
Jayant Shah, “Degenerations of 𝐾3 surfaces of degree 4”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 263:2 (1981), 271
Masa-Nori Ishida, Tadao Oda, “Torus embeddings and tangent complexes”, Tohoku Math. J. (2), 33:3 (1981)
David R. Morrison, “Semistable degenerations of Enriques' and hyperelliptic surfaces”, Duke Math. J., 48:1 (1981)
Tadashi Ashikaga, “The deformation behaviour of the Kodaira dimension of algebraic manifolds, With an appendix by Kenji Ueno”, Tohoku Math. J. (2), 33:2 (1981)
Вик. С. Куликов, “О перестройке вырождений поверхностей с $\varkappa=0$”, Изв. АН СССР. Сер. матем., 44:5 (1980), 1115–1119 ; Vik. S. Kulikov, “On modifications of degenerations of surfaces with $\varkappa=0$”, Math. USSR-Izv., 17:2 (1981), 339–342
Looijenga E., Peters C., “Torelli Theorems for Kahler K3 Surfaces”, Compos. Math., 42:2 (1980), 145–186
В. В. Шокуров, “Существование прямой на многообразиях Фано”, Изв. АН СССР. Сер. матем., 43:4 (1979), 922–964 ; V. V. Shokurov, “The existence of a straight line on Fano 3-folds”, Math. USSR-Izv., 15:1 (1980), 173–209