19 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1843
  1. Tangli Ge, “Uniform Mordell–Lang Plus Bogomolov”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2023  crossref
  2. Daniel Litt, “Arithmetic representations of fundamental groups, II: Finiteness”, Duke Math. J., 170:8 (2021)  crossref
  3. Remy van Dobben de Bruyn, “A variety that cannot be dominated by one that lifts”, Duke Math. J., 170:7 (2021)  crossref
  4. Vesselin Dimitrov, Ziyang Gao, Philipp Habegger, “Uniform Bound for the Number of Rational Points on a Pencil of Curves”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2021:2 (2021), 1138  crossref
  5. Ziyang Gao, “Mixed Ax–Schanuel for the universal abelian varieties and some applications”, Compositio Math., 156:11 (2020), 2263  crossref
  6. Orr M., “Lower Bounds For Ranks of Mumford-Tate Groups”, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr., 143:2 (2015), 229–246  isi
  7. David Zywina, “The Splitting of Reductions of an Abelian Variety”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2014:18 (2014), 5042  crossref
  8. Arman Mimar, “On the preperiodic points of an endomorphism of ℙ¹×ℙ¹ which lie on a curve”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 365:1 (2012), 161  crossref
  9. Ю. Г. Зархин, “Эндоморфизмы абелевых многообразий, круговые расширения и алгебры Ли”, Матем. сб., 201:12 (2010), 93–102  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  elib; Yu. G. Zarhin, “Endomorphisms of Abelian varieties, cyclotomic extensions and Lie algebras”, Sb. Math., 201:12 (2010), 1801–1810  crossref  isi  elib
  10. Walter Gubler, “The Bogomolov conjecture for totally degenerate abelian varieties”, Invent math, 169:2 (2007), 377  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi