135 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1823
  1. Andreas Bäuerle, Jürgen Hausen, “On Gorenstein Fano Threefolds with an Action of a Two-Dimensional Torus”, SIGMA, 18 (2022), 088, 42 pp.  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
  2. Nobuki Shimizu, Sho Tanimoto, “The spaces of rational curves on del Pezzo threefolds of degree one”, European Journal of Mathematics, 8:1 (2022), 291  crossref
  3. ELEONORA A. ROMANO, JAROSŁAW A. WIŚNIEWSKI, “ADJUNCTION FOR VARIETIES WITH A ℂ* ACTION”, Transformation Groups, 27:4 (2022), 1431  crossref
  4. Ю. Г. Прохоров, “Эквивариантная программа минимальных моделей”, УМН, 76:3(459) (2021), 93–182  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa; Yu. G. Prokhorov, “Equivariant minimal model program”, Russian Math. Surveys, 76:3 (2021), 461–542  crossref  isi  elib
  5. Cheltsov I. Park J. Prokhorov Yu. Zaidenberg M., “Cylinders in Fano Varieties”, EMS Surv. Math. Sci., 8:1-2 (2021), 39–105  crossref  isi
  6. А. А. Кузнецова, “Конечные 3-подгруппы в группе Кремоны ранга 3”, Матем. заметки, 108:5 (2020), 725–749  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet; A. A. Kuznetsova, “Finite 3-Subgroups in the Cremona Group of Rank 3”, Math. Notes, 108:5 (2020), 697–715  crossref  isi  elib
  7. Doran Ch.F. Harder A. Novoseltsev A.Y. Thompson A., “Calabi-Yau Threefolds Fibred By High Rank Lattice Polarized K3 Surfaces”, Math. Z., 294:1-2 (2020), 783–815  crossref  isi
  8. Przyjalkowski V., Shramov C., “Hodge Level For Weighted Complete Intersections”, Collect. Math., 71:3 (2020), 549–574  crossref  isi
  9. Brown G., Fatighenti E., “Hodge Numbers and Deformations of Fano 3-Folds”, Doc. Math., 25 (2020), 267–307  isi
  10. Alexei Kovalev, Fields Institute Communications, 84, Lectures and Surveys on G2-Manifolds and Related Topics, 2020, 51  crossref