144 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1771
Yasushi Ikeda, Gerogy Sharygin, “The argument shift method in universal enveloping algebra Ugld”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 195 (2024), 105030
Božidar Jovanović, Tijana Šukilović, Srdjan Vukmirović, “Almost multiplicity free subgroups of compact Lie groups and polynomial integrability of sub-Riemannian geodesic flows”, Lett Math Phys, 114:1 (2024)
Oksana S. Yakimova, “Poisson commutative subalgebras associated with a Cartan subalgebra”, manuscripta math., 2024
К. Р. Аталиков, А. В. Зотов, “Калибровочная эквивалентность между $(1+1)$-мерными теориями поля Калоджеро–Мозера–Сазерленда и тригонометрическим уравнением Ландау–Лифшица старшего ранга”, ТМФ, 219:3 (2024), 545–561
; K. R. Atalikov, A. V. Zotov, “Gauge equivalence of $1+1$ Calogero–Moser–Sutherland field
theory and a higher-rank trigonometric Landau–Lifshitz model”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 219:3 (2024), 1004–1017
Георгий Шарыгин, “Квазидифференцирования алгебры $U\mathfrak{gl}_n$ и квантовые алгебры Мищенко–Фоменко”, Функц. анализ и его прил., 58:3 (2024), 121–139
; G. I. Sharygin, “Quasiderivations of the algebra $U\mathfrak{gl}_n$ and the quantum Mischenko–Fomenko algebras”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 58:3 (2024), 326–339
Я. Икэда, “Квантовые сдвиги аргумента второго порядка в $Ugl_d$”, ТМФ, 220:2 (2024), 275–285
; Y. Ikeda, “Second-order quantum argument shifts in $Ugl_d$”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 220:2 (2024), 1294–1303
Julia Bernatska, “Reality conditions for the KdV equation and exact quasi-periodic solutions in finite phase spaces”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2024, 105322
Dmitri Bykov, Andrew Kuzovchikov, “The classical and quantum particle on a flag manifold”, Class. Quantum Grav., 41:20 (2024), 205009
Yasushi Ikeda, Trends in Mathematics, Geometric Methods in Physics XL, 2024, 383
Bozidar Jovanović, Tijana Šukilović, Srdjan Vukmirović, “Integrable Systems Associated to the Filtrations
of Lie Algebras”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 28:1 (2023), 44–61