21 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1596
Emma Previato, Lecture Notes in Physics, 424, Geometric and Quantum Aspects of Integrable Systems, 1993, 43
North-Holland Mathematics Studies, 167, Topics in Soliton Theory, 1991, 397
И. А. Тайманов, “Многообразия Прима разветвленных накрытий и нелинейные уравнения”, Матем. сб., 181:7 (1990), 934–950 ; I. A. Taimanov, “Prym varieties of branched coverings and nonlinear equations”, Math. USSR-Sb., 70:2 (1991), 367–384
Peter D. Lax, “The Flowering of Applied Mathematics in America”, SIAM Rev, 31:4 (1989), 533
И. М. Кричевер, “Спектральная теория двумерных периодических операторов
и ее приложения”, УМН, 44:2(266) (1989), 121–184 ; I. M. Krichever, “Spectral theory of two-dimensional periodic operators and its applications”, Russian Math. Surveys, 44:2 (1989), 145–225
Y. Kitazawa, “Explicit parametrizations of degenerate surfaces from the KP equation and closed bosonic string amplitudes”, Nuclear Physics B, 297:2 (1988), 338
Takahiro Shiota, “Characterization of Jacobian varieties in terms of soliton equations”, Invent math, 83:2 (1986), 333
Peter D. Lax, “Mathematics and its applications”, Math Intelligencer, 8:4 (1986), 14
Е. Д. Белоколос, А. И. Бобенко, В. Б. Матвеев, В. З. Энольский, “Алгебро-геометрические принципы суперпозиции конечнозонных решений интегрируемых нелинейных уравнений”, УМН, 41:2(248) (1986), 3–42 ; E. D. Belokolos, A. I. Bobenko, V. B. Matveev, V. Z. Ènol'skii, “Algebraic-geometric principles of superposition of finite-zone solutions of integrable non-linear equations”, Russian Math. Surveys, 41:2 (1986), 1–49
Motohico Mulase, “Cohomological structure in soliton equations and Jacobian varieties”, J. Differential Geom., 19:2 (1984)