4 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1474
Temlyakov V., “Constructive Sparse Trigonometric Approximation For Functions With Small Mixed Smoothness”, Constr. Approx., 45:3 (2017), 467–495
Temlyakov V., “Sparse Approximation by Greedy Algorithms”, Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications – Plenary Lectures, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 177, ed. Qian T. Rodino L., Springer, 2016, 183–215
В. Н. Темляков, “Конструктивные разреженные тригонометрические приближения и другие задачи для функций смешанной гладкости”, Матем. сб., 206:11 (2015), 131–160
; V. N. Temlyakov, “Constructive sparse trigonometric approximation and other problems for functions with mixed smoothness”, Sb. Math., 206:11 (2015), 1628–1656
Jan Schneider, “Error estimates for two-dimensional cross approximation”, Journal of Approximation Theory, 162:9 (2010), 1685