40 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1317
Xiao‐Min Chen, An‐Hui Yan, “Hungry Lotka–Volterra lattice under nonzero boundaries, block‐Hankel determinant solution, and biorthogonal polynomials”, Stud Appl Math, 151:3 (2023), 1097
Minxin Jia, Xianguo Geng, Jiao Wei, “Algebro-Geometric Quasi-Periodic Solutions to the Bogoyavlensky Lattice 2(3) Equations”, J Nonlinear Sci, 32:6 (2022)
C A Evripidou, P Kassotakis, P Vanhaecke, “Morphisms and automorphisms of skew-symmetric Lotka–Volterra systems*”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 55:32 (2022), 325201
Xianguo Geng, Wei Liu, Bo Xue, “Explicit Solutions of the Coupled Bogoyavlensky Lattice 1(2) Hierarchy”, Results Math, 76:2 (2021)
Kanehisa Takasaki, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 103.1, Integrability, Quantization, and Geometry, 2021, 481
Yan Pan, Xiang-Ke Chang, Xing-Biao Hu, “Decoding algorithm as a moment problem related to the extended Lotka–Volterra system”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 53:5 (2020), 055202
Аг. Х. Ханмамедов, А. М. Гусейнов, М. М. Векилов, “Алгоритм решения задачи Коши для одной бесконечномерной системы нелинейных дифференциальных уравнений”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 59:2 (2019), 247–251
; A. Kh. Khanmamedov, A. M. Guseinov, M. M. Vekilov, “Algorithm for solving the Cauchy problem for one infinite-dimensional system of nonlinear differential equations”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 59:2 (2019), 236–240
Masato Shinjo, Yoshimasa Nakamura, Masashi Iwasaki, Koichi Kondo, “Asymptotic analysis of non-autonomous discrete hungry integrable systems”, Journal of Integrable Systems, 3:1 (2018)
В. Н. Сорокин, “Слабая асимптотика совместных многочленов Полачека”, Препринты ИПМ им. М. В. Келдыша, 2017, 026, 20 с.
C.A. Evripidou, P. Kassotakis, P. Vanhaecke, “Integrable Deformations of the Bogoyavlenskij–Itoh Lotka–Volterra Systems”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 22:6 (2017), 721–739